market garden Crew Members


We have filled  our positions,

But things change, feel free to check in.

Being a 1.75 acre market garden, all team members help with most aspects of the farm.

Weekly Flow:

On Mondays and Thursdays we work together on harvesting, cleaning, and packaging vegetables for CSA, farmstand, and wholesale customers. Tuesdays is transplant day. Every Wednesday seedlings are started. In the past, Fridays have been pruning and trellising day. The weekends are some of our busiest farmstand sales days. In addition, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays involve all aspects of garden maintenance including cultivating, weeding, bed prep, watering, trellising summer hoophouse crops, etc.

Employee Schedule:

Full-time help is desired, but we rarely ask team members to work more than 40 hours per week. Part-time may be possible.
Crew members often work Monday - Friday from 8am – 4 pm.

In the past, the CSA Lead has worked a later shift (10-6) on Mondays.

The farmstand needs a few hours of attention every day, and more on the weekends.

Willingness to work at least a few hours on the weekend is desirable.


We have filled our Spring start positions. Still hiring for mid Summer. Feel free to ask about Spring start. Things change.

Pay depends on experience/ demonstrated ability.
1. Fresh veggies
2. Farmstand share (credit to use in the farmstand) 
3. Bonus of $.50/ hour worked, if employee works all agreed upon hours through December (full season employees only).
4. Earned paid sick time, based on hours worked for 20 hr/ week and more.

Possible Areas of Responsibility:

Assistant Field Manager - THF is an owner/ operator. James works full time on the farm. Much of that time is spent with the crew, and much of it is spent attending to other tasks. In cooperation with James, an assistant field manager will help facilitate the task at hand, may do some employee training, and monitor schedule and quality control.

Greenhouse- Weekly seedling starting and daily care

Farmstand - Daily stocking, cleaning, and product ordering

CSA - Monday CSA setup, stocking, customer assistance, cleanup

Wash Shed - Monday & Thursday produce washing

Packing Room - Expedite and manage packing produce and filling orders

Crop Trellising - Hoophouse tomato, cucumber, bean, and pepper management

Bed Prep - Weekly prep for transplanting

Possible Additional Needs:
We may be looking for additional help with: deliveries, social media/ email marketing, farmstand, micro greens, hoop house building and other construction projects.

Application Information

If you are interested in working with us, please send us an email at  Include answers to the following questions.


  1. Why are you interested in farm work in general?

  2. What about our farm makes it someplace you’d like to work? 

  3. Is there anything that may prevent you from doing strenuous work for long hours?  Can you lift 50 lbs?

  4. What are your plans from now through December?  When are you available to start?  When does your availability end?  What are your vacation plans?  What days of the week can you work? 

  5. Our preference is to hire full-time employees (part-time may be available). Are you interested in full-time employment?

  6. Are you willing to work at least a few weekend hours per week?

  7. We are looking for someone who will accomplish tasks quickly with fine attention to detail.  Please describe how you can fill this need.

  8.  Are you interested in helping with/ skilled in any of our areas of responsibility or possible additional needs (listed above)? 

  9. Please provide related work history and a couple of references that we may contact.

Thanks for your interest.
James Donegan and Sara Armstrong Donegan